If you own a business, you’re likely familiar with GAAP in a broad sense. Officially called the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, GAAP aims to ensure consistency, comparability, and transparency in financial documents across different entities.

However, many business owners and even financial professionals may not know some of the lesser-known facts about GAAP.

1. GAAP is Not a Set of Laws

Many believe that GAAP is a set of laws or regulations that all businesses must follow. In reality, GAAP is defined by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), an independent organization responsible for establishing accounting standards in the U.S.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires publicly traded companies to file financial statements that comply with GAAP if they want to remain on the stock exchanges. Private companies, on the other hand, don’t need to adhere to GAAP. However, they may still choose to do so for consistency and credibility.

2. GAAP is Not Static

While there are core principles that make up GAAP, it is not a static set of rules. The FASB regularly updates and adjusts its standards to reflect changes in business practices and economic conditions.

Some common reasons for updating GAAP include regulatory changes, new accounting issues arising from evolving industries or transactions, or technology improvements that allow more accurate reporting.

3. Non-GAAP Measures are Common

While GAAP sets the standard for financial reporting, it’s not uncommon for even publicly traded companies to use non-GAAP measures when presenting financial information. Data shows that over 95% of S&P 500 companies include non-GAAP earnings in their financial reports.

GAAP requires companies to disclose non-GAAP filing measures, but it does not regulate them, which means they may not always provide an accurate representation of a company’s financial health.

For example, non-GAAP measures may exclude expenses or gains deemed non-recurring or not representative of ongoing operations.

4. GAAP is Not the Only Standard

While GAAP is widely recognized and used in the U.S., it is not the only set of accounting standards in the world. The international version is the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and it’s regulated by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

Since 2002, officials have worked to combine IFRS and GAAP and create one set of global accounting standards, but it’s still a work in progress.

5. GAAP Allows for Interpretation

While GAAP aims to ensure consistency in financial reporting, there is still room for interpretation when applying its principles. This can lead to differences in financial statements between companies, even if they follow the same accounting standards.

For example, there are different methods for calculating depreciation and inventory costs. As long as a company’s chosen method is consistent and follows GAAP principles, it is considered acceptable.

6. Compliance Can Be Costly

Maintaining GAAP standards can be costly for businesses, especially smaller ones. Full compliance requires hiring specialized accountants or investing in expensive software to ensure accurate reporting. Staying up-to-date with ever-changing GAAP rules and regulations can also add to the cost of compliance.

However, adhering to GAAP can also benefit businesses by increasing their credibility and making them more attractive to potential investors.

7. Banks May Require GAAP-Compliant Statements

Private businesses are free to use any accounting measures, but banks  may require GAAP-compliant financial statements when considering a loan or line of credit. This is because GAAP provides a standardized way to assess financial health and performance.


GAAP plays a crucial role in accounting and finance, but it’s essential to understand that it’s not a rigid set of rules. As businesses continue to evolve and new technologies emerge, GAAP will also adapt and change to ensure accurate and transparent reporting. Knowing these lesser-known facts about GAAP can help business owners make more informed decisions about their financial reporting practices.

Keep expanding your knowledge with Kondler & Associates, CPAs. We’re happy to assist you in navigating the nuances of this complex accounting standard.